Practical Advice for Global Missions -- David & Vicki Frazier use their 35+ years of experience in global missions, 20 of which were living abroad, to discuss a variety of topics related to global missions, with the goal of offering wise and practical counsel. They lead a ministry called Equipping Servants International (www.esionline.org), which exists to equip and mobilize the whole body of Christ to better fulfill God’s mission to reach all peoples, both at home and abroad. Their book MissionSmart:15 Critical Questions To Ask Before Launching Overseas is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle. This MissionSmart podcast is another tool they use to equip people. Contact them at david@esionline.org or vicki@esionline.org
80 Is Language Really Necessary?
Episode 80 — Is Language Really Necessary?
- Talking about how missions strategies and realities have changed regarding language learning.
- As you consider your decision on how much to invest in learning the language, consider your goals, the long-term impact, and effectiveness of English based ministry.
- Patiently investing time to learn the heart language of a people group well can bear much fruit.