Practical Advice for Global Missions -- David & Vicki Frazier use their 35+ years of experience in global missions, 20 of which were living abroad, to discuss a variety of topics related to global missions, with the goal of offering wise and practical counsel. They lead a ministry called Equipping Servants International (www.esionline.org), which exists to equip and mobilize the whole body of Christ to better fulfill God’s mission to reach all peoples, both at home and abroad. Their book MissionSmart:15 Critical Questions To Ask Before Launching Overseas is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle. This MissionSmart podcast is another tool they use to equip people. Contact them at david@esionline.org or vicki@esionline.org
89 Respecting the Culture
Episode 89 — Respecting Culture
- David shares from the heart about the incredible value of respecting culture.
- Our first and most important posture when attempting to pass on the message of the Gospel is humility which is demonstrated by listening, observing, learning the culture, the language, the history so that we can see the Gospel not only be received but take root among a people.